Energy Healing Blog
Transcending Time
Time is a subjective experience. One saying I heard is 2-minutes can be forever or super-fast depending on which side of the bathroom door you’re on. So why can it feel so drastically different? The [...]
Crystal Healing Garden
I have a vision of a crystal healing garden. It’s a place that touches all of the senses. Walking out the back doors into the warm air, stepping down to feel the soft grass under [...]
How To Set A Fabulous Intention
When I do a hypnosis session, I always want to begin with a strong intention statement, because this statement is like a secret mission for the subconscious mind to go on. Out of all the [...]
Sunlight QiGong Treatment
This is one of my favorite QiGong self-treatments using Sunlight. Think of the properties of sunlight: warming, awake, hope, inspiration, required for the alchemy of life. Light carries information, and in order for that information [...]
From Darkness To Light
A few nights ago I watched a very disturbing documentary, "Out of the Shadows". The only reason I watched it was because another LightWorker recommended it - someone who, like me, does not promote fear-based [...]
Pay Attention To The Light
Pay attention to the Light. This message has been coming up in so many different ways over the past few years. Pay attention to the Light. I am almost obsessed with this message. I woke [...]
Connecting To Spirit Guides Through Energy Healing
My client had been experiencing the sense of "other energy, perceptions of other beings like Spirit Guides around them and I want to communicate with them but don't know how." After a brief discussion I [...]
Silence, Truth, and Light
I was 22 years old, on vacation with my best friend, Bettina, at the beach for a fun week. The first video cameras for personal use had just been invented and they were huge! A [...]
PODCAST: Feeling the ‘Qi’ in QiGong
This is a recording of a presentation I gave about feeling Qi. At the end we are doing "Pyramid Hands of Light QiGong", which follows below, Enjoy! ~Cynthia
Becoming An Energy Healer
When we start to study Energy Healing our life changes. Dramatically. We have to expand our consciousness and our comfort level beyond the physical. This means we have to learn how to see things differently, [...]
The Day I Met an Angel
Life becomes so interesting once you start playing around in the world of Energy. I parked my car and got out, heading to an appointment I had with a new client I hadn't met yet. [...]
100 Hands of Energy
Many years ago my friend, Betsy, was going through the Barbara Brennan Hands of Light training and needed a case study to work on, so I volunteered. I was so intrigued by Energy Healing and [...]