Energy Healing Blog
Dream Healing
During a follow-up session after doing HypnoEnergy Work to balance the Wood Element which connects to the emotion of Anger, my client related her extremely vivid dream: (Shared with permission) “I was aware of being [...]
Energy Of A Miracle
One of the secrets in Energy Healing is that it is not using intellectual thoughts to manipulate reality, it is more about merging oneself so completely with a feeling that you become this reality. This [...]
Healing The Darkness
What happens when we are externally surrounded by divisiveness, negativity, separation, and even hate? From a Healer’s point of view, the true question becomes ‘What part of our own energy, our own heart, do we [...]
Bodywork And Water Element
In learning the 5-elements, massage therapists have a wonderful opportunity to recognize signs and symptoms that an element is out of balance, and use a combination of massage techniques, acupressure, and energy work to assist [...]
Medical QiGong Qi Sensing Exercise
“Do not try to cure a disease. Find your center and you will be healed.” ~Taoist proverb Chinese Medicine is a mind-body-spirit practice. This is a deeply rooted belief that the physical body, the emotional [...]
Water Element Sacred Space
Homework in Medical Qigong Energy Healing class was to use concepts in the Water Element to create a sacred space for practicing meditation and QiGong. As we use our sacred space, the energy - over [...]
Mysterious Power of Nature in Energy Healing
She was seated in the middle, with a group of 8 in a circle around her. Diagnosis was a painful bone condition. As we held our hands out to channel Energy, we used guided imagery [...]
Seeing Lights & Energy
“This is what I saw!” she said and handed me the beautiful painting shown above. V had come in for a HypnoEnergy session, wanting to be able to see energy. (shared with permission) During the [...]
Energy & Emotional Triggers
Not everyone will be ready to read this, and that’s ok. These words flow for those that are. It takes a great deal of depth and soul searching to walk onto the path of observing [...]
How To Stay Spiritually Sane In All The Crazy
I thought about this deeply, after a fascinating conversation I had with my friend Joan who is in New York. These are beliefs that I base my life actions on. This is how I have [...]
Wormholes In Meditation
My client booked a consultation because something strange and disconcerting was happening during their meditations. A “wormhole” would appear in their mind, and if they entered it there was the feeling that they would Poof [...]
What Is HypnoEnergy?
Have you ever closed your eyes while eating Indian food and let your taste buds try to guess the fantastically delicious spices infused into each mouth-watering bite? Every single spice has a purpose for being [...]