I didn’t know what it was, exactly, or even how to spell it, but I KNEW I had to find out more about it. QiGong.
It was the early 1990’s during a Mind-Body-Spirit healing conference I was attending in Boston, due to blatant synchronicity. The 200+ attendees met at sunrise on a strikingly beautiful grassy field at the edge of massive cliff that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. It was summer, sunny, and perfect.
We were led through Yoga, Chanting with 3 Buddhist Monks, Tai Chi, and QiGong. Back in those days, these practices were just emerging to mainstream America. I had never heard of Tai Chi and QiGong, yet in doing them I felt the most amazing energy flowing through my body, creating an inner stillness in my mind that I absolutely craved. I needed more.
It took me 6 years of searching and going from Southernmost Point in Key West, Florida all the way to Anchorage, Alaska to find what I was looking for. As I experienced the first major health crisis of my life, QiGong found me.
Actually, in looking back, QiGong was a force that had led me to Alaska, impacted my health, and arranged many other details to ensure that our paths crossed in a way that was so meaningful it had 100% of my attention.
Western medicine offered me no help or even hope. Alternative doctors tried and were at a loss. Acupuncture created a significant shift in my worst symptoms. And then I started to do QiGong.
I could feel the energy healing my body. It felt so incredible I started to do it for an hour every morning and an hour each night. I began to become alive again, and my health began to thrive. It took 2 years, yet there was daily improvement, and I learned things I needed to know and had no other way of learning.
Does QiGong work? Yes.
How? You must first cross the threshold and do it for a while. Then you won’t even need to ask the question which only really has an internal answer.
~ Cynthia