I had an interaction with someone I have known for years, and it left me shocked. I was accused, insulted, de-humanized. And I’m an energy healer, so how do I handle this?

Rule #1: Feel it exactly as it is

I have to allow myself to feel it all – the massive impact of betrayal and everything that goes along with it: hurt, anger, revenge, blame, confusion, self-doubt, righteousness, disbelief.

Describe it: This feels like dark swirling dystopian chaos in the middle of my chest. The background is medium gray, there are red streaks in the swirl which is tornado-like. It looks like a black crayon drew it all. It’s heavy and it’s covering my heart. It’s making a wind of sadness.

Body Awareness:

What is this doing to my breath?
It goes into the center of my chest, like a thin sword stabbing into a rock.

What is this doing to the muscles in my face?
My left eyebrow is up, my right eye is scrunched, my nostrils are flaring, my mouth is in a scowl that I can feel in my cheeks and chin. Uggh!

What is this doing to the muscles in my neck and shoulders?
Shoulders are tensed and raised, neck feels tight and rigid.


After maybe 2-3 minutes I notice my breath is a tiny bit softer and goes a little deeper. THIS IS THE SHIFT. The energy has just changed.

IMPORTANT POINT: All of the raw feelings must be felt because it’s the only way to dissipate them. No judgement on what they are, or why they are. Just feel them and describe it all.

Rule #2: After, and ONLY after the shift, ask ‘what is something I find absolutely amazing and incredible?’

Answer: An image of my kids as toddlers, asleep at Grandma’s house. They are so beautiful and I feel overwhelming love.

FEEL THIS FEELING, How big can I make it? Make it even bigger. It feels like my Heart is sunshine bursting out of the clouds, clearing the sky and making it so bright! Feel this infusing every cell of my being, basking in it.

Body Awareness:

What is this doing to my breath?
It fully goes down to my lower abdomen, soft, smooth, full.

What is this doing to the muscles in my face?
All of my smiling muscles are activated, even my eyes.

What is this doing to the muscles in my shoulders and neck?
They’re relaxed and move freely.

Now I’ve shifted the initial emotions. What is next?

Communicate with my Heart.

Me: “Ok Heart, what is it for me to do?”

Heart: “Why is this situation in your experience? It is an opportunity to learn and grow. This has nothing at all to do with the other person. It’s ONLY about you and your experience, your feelings, your responses. What do you want to do with it?”

Me: “I desire to Love More, regardless of the circumstances.”

Heart: “Then let’s do that.”

Me: “Thank you Heart, I love you so much!” I 100% completely trust and know that my Heart will be right here guiding me, and I know this from past very difficult issues it has seen me through.

This is where it gets fun, because how exciting is it to be able to take completely eff*ed up energy and play with it, creating something unimaginably amazing out of a mess? THIS is what I want to do with it!

I have to TEST IT now, so I think about the person and the situation. What happens, how do I feel?

Gratitude, excitement, motivation, inspiration. Thank you so much for gifting me this energy to play with. I genuinely offer you peace and deep thanks. (NOTE: If I did still feel any resentment, negativity, etc. I would need to stop, completely feel these with zero judgement, and wait for them to shift exactly like I did above.)

I have no idea what will happen next, and that’s ok because this life is precious.

SELF-TREATMENT NOTE: I am going to do an energy treatment on myself before I go to sleep tonight. I’m building a crystal grid to charge the stones I’ll use with the intention above from my Heart. I’ll use the stones with Ma Dan Yang’s 12 Heavenly Star Points which will alchemically connect with all other parts of myself (in the multi-verse theory) that both *need help in this situation, and have beautifully and successfully transmuted the energy of Betrayal. (*Note: there is an other-me in the multi-verse that is going through the decision this-me did not make, and is fully experiencing the depths of betrayal. I send this part of myself so much love.)

May You Be Blessed With Light,
~ Cynthia