What a bizarre way to start my day.  I was awoken from a deep sleep shortly after 5am.  A text message from a woman I know from many years ago said basically “…help…”.  Texting and calling back went unanswered.

She lives out of state, and we have touched base occasionally over the last few years.

The message was so odd, and in that strange 5am confusion, I looked around for her address, found it, and called her local police department to do a wellness check.

They called me back about an hour later and said “Very sorry to let you know she is no longer with us.  We found her body.”  Then I was interviewed by both the police and coroner as the last person of contact.

It was a little hard to concentrate as I went off to work as I kept thinking about her and wondering why she texted me of all people rather than dialing 911.  l knew she lived alone and didn’t have the best relationship with her small family.

Once at work I actually had a rare break in my normally busy schedule, so I asked one of my amazing co-workers if they would do a quick energy field clearing on me using a 174Hz then 528Hz tuning fork.

The moment the first sound started I felt an immense calmness starting. I let myself just drift into the sound and I started to “hear” my friend.  She let me know that she contacted me because she (her spirit) knew that I would know what do, and that I would also be one of the few people that could assist the police in finding her family so they would be quickly notified.

I also “heard” and felt that I was so appreciated in her life. I felt like I was surrounded by peace and love and gratitude.  My entire energy field palpably shifted and both myself and my tuning fork co-worker knew something deep had just happened.

Next something strange occurred.

For background, for the entire year of 2022 every few weeks I received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from an anonymous person.  Each time they contained a little card, and at the end of the year I bundled these cards all up and put them in a special place.

Today, now, in my treatment room I was reaching for an item on a shelf when suddenly a paper shot off the shelf and landed on my chair.  It was one of the cards from the 2022 Flowers and it said simply “Thank You For Being Born!!!”  I don’t know how it was not with the bundled bunch of cards, and how I had not seen it on my shelf, or why it would fly off now.  Maybe just because this is how spirit speaks.

This message of FEELING appreciated and acknowledging that seems important.  I happily remind others to feel how much they are appreciated, and I realized I don’t often do this for myself. What an odd awareness to suddenly have.

So I paused and just felt it, letting the wonderous feeling melt into me.  I felt so intensely and humbly connected to people, and to life itself.  I love this feeling! It creates a specific energy wave, like a vibration of opening, receptivity, and immense oneness.  NOTE TO SELF: Next time someone says “I appreciate you”, THIS is the feeling they are wanting you to understand.  Wow.

In reflection, something stands out to me:  the way it was so powerful to go into the sound of the tuning fork and basically have a ‘spirit conversation’.  I need to explore this more because it feels highly significant.  How did the sound make it so easy?  Did the recentness of the opening and crossing of the veil play any part?  How can I understand this better to guide people in healing? Can sound be a portal?

So much is changing in the world right now, and many people seem to be experiencing ‘The Veil’ thinning – maybe you too.  It’s time to learn how to incorporate this potential into our reality.  What can our consciousness do with this information, this natural ability?

I’m going to see if I can dream more about it, ask it to teach me.

May you be blessed with Light,