My client is dealing with issues around not being able to feel self-love.  Their life has had so many problems, every romantic relationship ends badly, and their mother was absorbed in alcohol and all of its effects.

They desperately want to feel self-love, but just cannot bring themselves there, even though intellectually they understand they should do it and they deserve it.  Their heart feels blocked and they don’t know how to get past that block.

Energy Needs To Be Receptive:

We sit with these emotions together, just allowing them and listening to them, feeling their effects on and in the body.  I know the only way out is through, and I know it will be more than ok.  Trying to get emotions to go away and treating them as if they are bad or wrong to have is a big part of what creates energetic blockages.

Once there is an energetic shift in the emotional state (you can feel it because something changes and the breath is different), the Qi meridians, chakras, and energy field are all open and receptive to new information. Now we can move to the table.

Treatment Options I Consider:

  • Heart Chakra – Most superficial. This is where they feel the block and it also deals with love and self-love issues.
  • Five Elements – Deeper, will move Qi nicely. Fire and Earth stand out.  Fire element is all about love and relationships. Earth element is how we feel about ourself, our mother.
  • 8 Extraordinary, Ren Mai – Deepest, goes to the core energy formation pattern. Deals with our original experience and learning about bonding, being nurtured, and feeling loved.

I’ve decided to open the Ren Mai channel which is one of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians, because I sense the person is ready to go to this level. Not everyone can go this deep in the beginning.  This is a nuanced sense that comes with experience – knowing to what depth we can go with someone.  There are cues in the person’s language, questions they ask, the reason they’re here, and how the earlier emotional shift happens. All of this guides the practitioner towards the best treatment.

Basic Treatment Outline:

I’ll use Rose Quartz because its medicine is the vibration of self-love.  I’ll also place a Clear Quartz on Ren-8, the navel, which is our connection to life and to our mother along with any issues surrounding her.  During the treatment I’ll use the sound of a tuning fork to clear residue in the energy field around the Heart center.

I feel no judgement, only a deep sense of compassion and connection that this is a Being doing life with me, and I know that human life can be hard.  I feel so grateful that they want to feel and deserve love because every single person that clears out their old baggage and raises their own vibration, no matter how big or small, has an effect on all of us.  I honor the courage it takes to do this.

By creating a space where their energy field is receptive, and then using knowledge and technique to set up the potential for change, all I have to do is hold space and allow the Qi to do its work. 

The energy will flow in a different pattern which will allow the person to feel different, become aware of different thoughts, and have access to new information from a different perspective than before.  All change will come from within themselves, and they fully have the free will to work with the Qi or not. This part happens with the new awareness now present.

Again, no judgement if they accept the changes or not, because I know two things:  Ultimately they will succeed and heal themselves, and there is no time limit to doing this since every single action is a learning experience for the Spirit.

Learning Medical QiGong Energy Healing:

This is the type of treatment I teach others to do, filling in details of techniques and then practicing them to get good.  A ton of self-healing happens along the way, and this is the source of a strong foundation that an effective healer builds.  Once we walk the path, we can then guide others along it.

The world is changing so much right now, and we need people who are strong and clear and are refining their own presence in a way that allows us to help others.  One beautiful thing about this is that the Medicine will choose you when you’re ready.  All you have to do is show up when you hear it call.

See upcoming courses here:  Medical QiGong Energy Healing Courses

May You Be Blessed With Light,